Our History

this school was created in 2067

Our Mission

Mission is to be carried out

scholastic excellence. We ardently aspire to inculcate perspicacious discernment and an indefatigable spirit of inquiry in our students. Our relentless pursuit of educational exaltation is characterized by a judicious synthesis of traditional wisdom and cutting-edge methodologies. We endeavor to nurture an erudite cadre of learners, poised to ascend the pinnacles of knowledge and contribute substantively to the pantheon of human achievement.

Our Vision

The vision of eshiskya

Eshikshya envisions a dynamic online platform that revolutionizes the way students and educators engage with learning. Our vision is to provide a digital ecosystem where students can explore, discover, and excel in their studies, while teachers can inspire and empower the next generation of leaders. We aim to foster a vibrant community of lifelong learners who embrace knowledge as a powerful tool for personal growth and societal advancement. Through innovative technology and a commitment to educational excellence, Eshikshya strives to be the preferred online destination for quality education, enabling students to unlock their full potential and thrive in an ever-evolving world.


Testimonials from famous icons.